Hi Reader, I’m so excited to tell you that my new novella, The Fall of the Queen of Elphame, is now available! If you’re feeling worn out or oversaturated by the holiday season, this is your well-deserved escape. The Fall of the Queen of Elphame is not your typical Thomas the Rhymer story. This story features:
>>A new spin on a classic folktale
>>A new take on elves & fairyland
>>Medieval Scotland setting
>>Magic, prophecies & parallel worlds
>>Action & Romance
One reader said: "I was hooked!!!! I cannot wait to read the next part. I really enjoyed that there were connections to earlier short stories, it really drew me into the universe. And the last chapter was SO satisfying!" —Ali Click here to access the brand-new book page on my website, where you can start by sampling the first two chapters OR buy the full novella right away. Thank you for your support! Until next week, Natalie Guttormsson |